More complete list of improvements and fixes / Более полный список улучшений и исправлений / TODO

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▫ Exporting 250 clips freezes export process
▫ Different behavior from same UI, in Mask, Split Screen / Titler, and Library
▫ Time Freeze applied to trimmed clip is corrupted when project is saved
▫ Multi-Channel support, as PCM
▫ Zoom the keyframe scaling to frame level, paste a keyframe, scaling reverts to full-view
▫ Overlay photos, apply PiP-Scale, may not see underlying track - Intermittent
▫ Audio waveform is flat near end of clip
▫ Misleading keyframing command
▫ No audio in imported 32-bit wav file
▫ Color palette, Info window opens on wrong monitor
▫ File->Open doesn't remember last used location
▫ Request: Cleanup tool for PS24
▫ Mask: default highlighted tool
▫ Title: Order button tooltip update
▫ Subtler green color needed for colored tab
▫ Clip Corrections - save as shortcut - lost in new corrections
▫ Mask: doesn't cover few pixels at bottom of screen
▫ Color Grading: click Spacebar, opens dual mode
▫ Export: When switch from preset to custom, resolution should match timeline setting
▫ Add "Discard" button beside Mask, Invert-Done buttons
▫ Mask: Erase, undo, erase again remembers last action and adds to it
▫ Mask: multiple undo may cause crash; mask is shorter than clip beneath
▫ Effect applied to a clip and switched off, will switch on again when clip is moved
▫ Mask: frame is not exactly match between the preview and export
▫ Titler: should be able to click on a ghost keyframe, and playhead should go there
▫ Titler: Pivot point should stay connected to center of object
▫ PS24 should pickup NewBlue if present with PS23
▫ Effect editor: Can't change border color
▫ Time Remapping keyframe button is greyed out, if using the Timeline scrubber
▫ Corrections: Revert to Original - doesn't stick, must repeat every clip open
▫ Title: box is out of place, in preview
▫ Keyframe: inconsistency in visible indication of selected state
▫ Cut clip, keyframes duplicated
▫ Some shortcuts don't work if timeline is undocked.
▫ Title: period, comma, and forward slash don't work when typing in preview
▫ Title: Create rolling text with Legacy Motion, adjust font, a title from previous project is shown in preview
▫ Title: click on offscreen rolling text, preview does not switch to show cursor position, until click Legacy
▫ PS will always open MCC Lite, if it is present
▫ Title: Show/Hide in Legacy layers
▫ Drag assets from the library to other application cause crash
▫ Mask: motion tracking tools are missing from Rectangle-Circle, above preview
▫ FR localization, title text face
▫ StopMotion captures low resolution (640x360) frames.
▫ Titler: text field and preview window not synced, when using context menu Paste
▫ PS crash when nested project, switch to Editor->Audio
▫ XDCAM 4:2:2 file has CG preview problem
▫ Time to remove ReadMe from PS installer.
▫ Add 3D Pivot point "track layer" changes from Title, to other areas in PS
▫ Title saved from PS23 with hidden layer, can't be unhidden in PS24
▫ Color Grading: preview is sideways, with specific project
▫ Requested: easy rotate from Source Corrections
▫ Rotate - Custom goes to legacy corrections, displaying an Avid reference
▫ Requested: Add "Create New Title" button, beneath Save and Load options, in Title editor
▫ Importing TIF file fails to import correctly.
▫ Multishape Crop does not work correctly (background always black)
▫ Mask: cursor artifact after end of text
▫ Missing media dialog is partially translated
▫ Swivel, Tilt, Rotation value fields behave inconsistent with other Properties parameters
▫ Stub's default active button should be Next
▫ Files with .tiff won't import, but .tif is okay
▫ Dazzle: audio buzz and pop during preview
▫ Dazzle E60A device is named as Roxio, in PS import tab
▫ In PS24.0.2, Dazzle device is not shown in capture.
▫ Second source correction shortcut icon, does not have settings icon on library thumbnail
▫ Performance loss in Color Grading vs PS23
▫ Color Grading: in PS 24.1, CG on photos, the CG preview will be blank
▫ Title: Pivot "Track Layer" button should be called "Follow Layer"
▫ Launch of 24.1 may crash to desktop, subsequent launch attempt is ok
▫ Tooltip for layers area: "Drag layers to reorder"
▫ Binarization, to be "Threshold" instead
▫ Needlessly prompted to save changes, when no correction has been made
▫ Dazzle: on AMD PC, preview refreshes (driver reload) frequently
▫ Second saved correction shortcut collides with another clip / thumbnail
▫ Dazzle: PAL auto-detect fails, reported by Beta tester
▫ Dazzle: Audio level drops when capture starts
▫ Dazzle: audio clicks at start of each captured file.
▫ MCC Lite crashes at launch
▫ Source Corrections: Color Grading settings remain displayed, after switching to audio
▫ Rotate in Source Corrections is lost when editor is reopened